Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)


Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)

The Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) program at KANA represents the Native Villages of Akhiok, Larsen Bay and Ouzinkie in all Child In Need of Aid (CINA) proceedings.

What is the Purpose of ICWA?

ICWA is in place to prevent the breakup of Alaska Native Indian families and to ensure that the permanent removal of an Indian child from the custody of his/her parent or Indian custodian shall be the last resort. The ICWA law authorizes federal funds to federally recognized tribes to operate Indian Child and Family Service Programs for the prevention of child abuse and neglect and to prevent the unwarranted removal of an Indian child from the custody if his/her parents or Indian custodian. With this, the ICWA worker acts as a non-attorney representative for the tribe, and represents the tribe in all Child in Need of Aid cases, case conferencing calls, home visits and much more.

Who is Eligible for ICWA Services?

Prevention Services: Our ICWA Specialist is available to work with families in danger of having a Native child taken from the home. The ICWA Specialist provides case management as well as assists in finding resources that the family may need to keep the child within the home. The ICWA Specialist’s ultimate purpose is to keep Native families together.

Tribal Representative in CINA Cases: The ICWA Specialist works with the Tribe the child belongs to or is eligible for membership in. The Akhiok, Larsen Bay, and Ouzinkie Tribes have designated the ICWA Specialist at KANA as their Tribal Representation in court hearings and other case management proceedings. The ICWA Specialist works with the Office of Children’s   Services (OCS) and other agencies involved in the child’s case to ensure that all comply with ICWA as well as being the voice for the Tribe.